
Laser Skin Treatment


1. 여드름,자국,색소 Acne, Scar, Pigment

 $850 AMTS or Natural MTS Peel 3Times + Facials 2Times

2.  여드름, 색소침착 Acne , Pigment

  $950 Spctra 4 Times + Hifu 1 Time

3. 잡티,미백 Pigment, Whitening

 $1050 Toing or IPL 5Times

4. 흉터,모공,붉은기 Scar, Pore , Redness

 $1250 Sellas Fractional 4 Times + Hifu 1 Time

5. 주름, 색소 ,탄력Lifting , Whitening , Thghtening

 $1450 RF Microneedling 4 Times +Hifu 1 Time

*Please note that the consultation fee is $30 . Please be advised that consultation over the Phone(Text) is Free.



1. IPL Laser Treatment (intense pulsed light)
1 session $350 

IPL (intense pulsed light) therapy is also known as photo rejuvenation or photo facial.
IPL is used to treat sun damage, wrinkles, stretch marks and age spots.

2. Sellas Fractional Laser
1 session $450 

The laser energy focuses on targeted areas to stimulate skin’s own collagen, helps to regenerate healthier skin layers and a renewed appearance. Multiple treatment sessions may be necessary to achieve the desired results Sellas Laser has shown to be effective on all skin types.

3. TRM Whitening Laser Treatment (True Resurfacing Laser Machine )
1 session $500

TRM Is a type of fractional laser uses Thulium 1927nm wavelength ,which effectively treats freckles and blemishes while minimizing thermal damage to the skin surface in a non-ablative manner, is excellent for improving skin tone and pores as well as pigmentary diseases.

4. Scarlet RF Tightening Laser
1 session $550  

A new generation of skin rejuvenation technology that utilizes Microneedle Fractional Radiofrequency(MFR) rather than laser. It is used to stimulate collagen formation to improve skin elasticity, wrinkles, acne scars, pores and stretchmarks. Minimal downtime with no pain.

5. V-Max HIFU Lifting Laser
1 Session  $250  

Treatment gives you the benefit a facelift without having to consider surgery or similarly invasive procedures. With the delivery of advanced thermal high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU), deep tissue layers are targeted to increase collagen production. No downtime and safe.

6. Toning Whitening VRM Laser Treatment
1 Session  $350

Attempts to treat melisma with laser and light sources that target melanin have frequently resulted in irritation, PIH, enlarged pores, acne scars, active acne, fine wrinkles.  This treatment involves concentrated beams of short pulsed light cast upon the targeted areas of skin to remove unwanted,irregular, and damaged skin. The process stimulates the new growth of fresh skin cells which ultimately leads to lighter skin tones.

7. Hollywood Spectra VRM Laser Peel
1 Session  $350

Treatment to deliver soft and smoother skin by stimulating collagen. Very comfortable procedure, safe for most skin types. No downtime

8. Tattoo Removal VRM Laser
Eyebrow tattoo removal  $350 / Body tattoo removal  up to $2,000

The approach that the practitioner faces to remove tattoos must take into account that every person and every tattoo that is unique. As people (and their tattoos age), tattoos fade and become even harder to treat * Repeated treatment sessions will be required, for most pigmented lesions it will take at least 2 to 4 sessions, and for tattoo removal will take up to 6 – 8 sessions or even more.

Hair removal Laser Treatment (Smooth cool) * Only Image Skin Clinic Members*
Laser hair removal is a process which uses lasers to kill the follicle where body hair grows, as opposed to just removing the hair above the surface area.

Lip  (1 time $ 20) (5 times $ 80)
Face  (1 time $ 100) (5 times $ 400)
Under arms  (1 time $ 40) (5 times $ 160)


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